- Probabilistic size-and-shape functional mixed models(with F. Wang, O. Chkrebtii and S. Kurtek).
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)(2024)
- Topo-geometric analysis of variability in point clouds using Persistence Landscapes(with J. Matuk and S. Kurtek).
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intellingence (2024)
- A diffusion approach to Stein's method on Riemannian manifolds(with H. Le, A. Lewis and C. Fallaize).
- Tumor radiogenomics in Gliomas with Bayesian layered variable selection (with S. Mohammed, S. Kurtek, A. Rao and V. Baladandayuthapani).
Medical Image Analysis(2023)
- Spatially penalised registration of multivariate functional data (with X. Guo and S. Kurtek).
Spatial Statisics(2023)
- Shape and structure preserving differential privacy (with C. Soto, M. Reimherr and A. Slavkovic).
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)(2022)
- Probabilistic learning of treatment trees in cancer (with T-H. Yao, Z. Wu, J. Li and V. Baladandayuthapani).
Annals of Applied Statistics(2022)
- Variograms for kriging and clustering of spatial functional data with phase variation (with X. Guo and S. Kurtek).
Spatial Statistics (2022)
- Differential privacy over Riemannian manifolds (with M. Reimherr and C. Soto).
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)(2021)
- Tangent functional canonical correlation analysis for densities and shapes, with applications to multimodal imaging data (with M. H. Cho and S. Kurtek).
Journal of Multivariate Analysis (2022)
- Joint quasiprobability distribution on the measurement outcomes of MUB-driven operators (with H. S. Smitha Rao and S. Sirsi).
Physics Letters A (2021)
- Radiogenomic analysis incorporating tumor heterogeneity in imaging through densities (with S. Mohammed, S. Kurtek, A. Rao and V. Baladandayuthapani).
Annals of Applied Statistics (2021)
- Bayesian framework for simultaneous registration and estimation of noisy, sparse and fragmented functional data (with J. Matuk, S. Kurtek and O. Chkrebtii).
Journal of the American Statistical Association (2021+)
- Shape-based classification of partially observed curves, with applications to anthropology (with G. J. Matthews et al.).
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics (2021)
- Geometric empirical Bayesian model for classification of functional data underdiverse sampling regimes (with J. Matuk, S. Kurtek and O. Chkrebtii).
IEEE CVPR DiffCVML2021 (2021)
- Discussion on 'On a class of objective priors from scoring rules' (with I. H. Jermyn).
Bayesian Analysis (2020)
- Measure of polymer performance based on correlated physical parameters (with S. Rudrappa et al.).
Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2021)
- Analysis of shape data: From landmarks to elastic curves (with S. Kurtek).
WIREs Computational Statistics (2020)
- Biomedical applications of geometric functional data analysis (with S. Kurtek, J. Matuk and S. Mohammed).
In Handbook on variational methods for nonlinear geometric data (2020)
- Distribution on warp maps for alignment of open and closed curves (with S. Kurtek).
Journal of the American Statistical Association(2020) [talk]
- Geometric variational approach to Bayesian inference (with A. Saha and S. Kurtek).
Journal of the American Statistical Association (2020)
- Invariance and identifiability issues for word embeddings (with R. Carrington and S. P. Preston).
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)(2019)[talk]
- Mutually disjoint, maximally commuting set of physical observables for optimum state determination (with H. S. Smitha and S. Sirsi).
Physica Scripta (2019)
- Radiologic image-based statistical shape analysis of brain tumors (with S. Kurtek, A. Rao and V. Baladandayuthapani).
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series C) (2018) [talk]
- Statistical tests for large tree-structured data (with P. Kambadur, D. K. Dey, A. Rao and V. Balandayuthapani).
Journal of the American Statistical Association (2017) [talk]
- Geometric approach to visualization of variability in functional data (with W. Xie, S. Kurtek and Y. Sun).
Journal of the American Statistical Association (2017)[talk]
- Multiaxial Representation of N-qubit Mixed Symmetric Separable States (with S. P Suma, S. Sirsi and S. Hegde).
Physical Review A (2017)
- Invited discussion on 'Sparse graphs using exchangeable random measures'.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series B) (2017)
- POVM construction: A simple recipe with applications to symmetric states (with S. Sirsi, S. P. Shilpashree and H. S. Smitha Rao).
International Journal of Quantum Information (2017)
- DEMARCATE: Density-based Magnetic Resonance Image Clustering for Assessing Tumor Heterogeneity in Cancer (with A. Saha et al.).
NeuroImage (2016) [talk]
- Functional data analysis techniques for the study of structural parameters in polymer composites (with S. Rudrappa et al.).
Journal of Applied Crystallography (2016)
- Bayesian sensitivity analysis with Fisher-Rao metric (with S. Kurtek).
Biometrika (2015) [talk]
- Spacings around an order statistic (with H. N. Nagaraja and F. Zhang).
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (2015).
- On a clustering criterion for dependent observations.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (2014)
- Asymptotics of a clustering criterion for smooth distributions (with V. Pozdnyakov and D. K. Dey).
Electronic Journal of Statistics (2013)
- Asymptotics of the Empirical Cross-over Function (with V. Pozdnyakov and D. K. Dey).
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (2013)
- A note on density estimation for binary sequences.
Statistics and Probability Letters (2013)
- Test to distinguish a brownian motion from a brownian bridge using Polya process (with D. K. Dey).
Statistics and Probability Letters (2011)